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Friday, August 8, 2014

Club Penguin: How To Add Sasquatch Without Meet Him You Can Get His Background!

Warning:This Might Gets You Banned!

Hello Penguins!

Today Sasquatch  Has Confirmed I think! So You Can Add Him WithOut Meet Him! Like Herbert Remmember? I Added Herbert Without Meeting Him In My Another penguin! Before He Beacomes Mascot!
So Lets Start!:
Step 1 :Log In:
Step 2:You Must Open Tools > Javascrpit Console!:
Step 3:Write: Disney.Friends.API.addCharacter(35) You Must Write It Dont Not Copy It:
Step 4:Click Enter!

When Its Said: UndeFined. Its Works! Now Check Your Freind List!:

Now If You Want His Background Click Him And Click Another Mascot Player!:

You Have Found A Mystery Background.
Would You Like To Pick It Up?

Click Yes If You Want It!
Mystery Background
Has Been Added To Your Inventory!
When You Wear This Background:
Note:This Works Only In Google Chrome!
I love This Background! Have You Get This Background Yet? Get It Now!
I Hope Its Works For You!

Forever On!

-zezo 1 2001

-Club Penguin Cheatsy Forever!