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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Club Penguin Blog: Chattabox's Grand Prix Bonanza

Hey Penguins!

Chattabox is having another awesome party this week for everyone! Last week she had an party "Oscar Party" which went big success and fun. Check it out below for this week's party information:

G’Day Penguins,
Last week’s Oscar’s party was a huge success – I loved your outfits! One of the highlights was definitely when we all sung along to “Let It Go”, you guys sure are talented – I think we have a few stars in the making.
So this week, Melbourne is hosting the Formula One Grand Prix – one of the most exciting car races in the world! So I think that we need to celebrate with a party… What do you think? I’m on a quest to find Club Penguin’s ultimate race car driver. Join me dressed in your favourite racing colours and don’t forget your race car! Also, I MAY have a secret 'checkered surprise' for all you racers; so come along and don’t miss out! Can’t wait to see you all there – take a look at me with my race car below. Cool huh!
Lets meet at The Forest on the Down Under server at 4pm (East Australia Standard Time) on Thursday 13th March, which will be 6pm for all of you in New Zealand. Don’t forget, this is 9pm Penguin Standard Time on Wednesday 12th March for everyone over in the US and Canada.
Waddle on!
- The Club Penguin Team
Sweet! Remember the time is 9pm PST on Wednesday 12th March over the USA and Canada. Until then...Waddle On!