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Friday, April 17, 2015

Who's Captain Rockhopper?

Rockhopper is a pirate captain, Club Penguin's best-known adventurer, and a very good friend of mine.

Together with his red puffle Yarr, he sails the high seas in his ship, the Migrator. (It's the third one! You don't go on that many daring adventures without losing a ship or two to the waves.)

From Lost Treasure Island to Rockhopper Island, his travels send him far and wide. When he returns, he brings back rare items and tall tales. Legend has it, he has battled a squid, played Mancala against the Merry Walrus (and lost), then fenced with a pirate turtle.

He's always up for a pirate parade, and enjoys a good pizza party—so if you happen to meet him, be sure to join in. And don't mind the odor. It's just the stinky cheese he keeps in his beard for later!
-Aunt Arctic